Photographing inside churches

If the church you are visiting asks you to not take photographs, then you should respect their request and not take photographs in their church – it really isn’t difficult.

Then why then do people insist on pulling their camera out and snapping these fine works of art? At the very least it is disrespectful, at worst, the flash fades the priceless artworks adorning the walls. I just can’t understand the attitude of some people, they are so arrogant. Generally speaking, the quality of the shots are poor anyway. Wouldn’t it be better to actually purchase the books on offer with professionally shot photographs using lighting techniques that don’t damage artworks?

To make matters worse, I can’t believe it when I wander around the inside of these beautiful works of architectural art to see people walking around with hats on their heads, this is the ultimate sign of disrespect. As a bald 50 year old, I have to wear a hat to prevent sunburn but I am more than happy to carry my hat around in my hand whilst visiting a church. If I can do this, taking a hat off your head is a simple task, why can’t other people show the same respect.

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