Xi Jinping – Head of the CCP (Corrupt Corona Party)

Xi Jinping became the president of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2012 ushering a new era of Chinese authoritarianism and assertiveness. This has not been a positive interaction for both the region or the world.

Xi Jinping joined the communist party back in 1974, he is the son of one of the party’s founders who was expelled from the party in the 1962 purge. Xi Jinping was then sent to the country for some hard labour and re-education while his father was imprisoned. Xi Jinping is no stranger to political purges, launching a series of actions to expel members and shore up his support base. But what Jinping is unable to do is free the party from corruption, nepotism and incompetence instead reinforcing such behaviours.

The Coronavirus pandemic unleashed on the world is very much of Jinping’s actions. His rule has created both distrust and disorganisation in the CCP, the inability of the CCP to contain Covid-19 within Chinese borders is on Xi Jinping. During Chinese new years celebrations the CCP allowed their citizens to roam the world taking the Chinavirus with them. There were fears this would be the catalyst that this would spread the virus around the globe and this is unfortunately what happened.

The Chinese new year is the largest movement of people in the world and the concerns that the spread of the virus would be accelerated across both the region and continents has been realised. Now we all face restrictions, loss of incomes and devaluation of our wealth and retirement savings all while Xi Jinping consolidates his position within the CCP. The incompetence of the CCP and their failure to maintain control in their country has had negative worldwide effects and we all pay.

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